The concept for the Pet Massager originated in early 2016, following revelations that equine therapists were achieving remarkable outcomes using Purewave on horses. This sparked my curiosity about the potential for a device tailored specifically for animals. Questioning whether Purewave was ideally suited for equine therapy, I initiated the exploration into designing specialized, cordless massagers for pets. Recognizing the significant opportunities in treatments for horses and dogs, we embarked on rigorous research and development to create massagers designed with pets' needs in mind.
This shoot focused on crafting content that showcased Purewave as a product for every body type, moving away from the traditional "perfect" or "ideal" body stereotypes. We drew inspiration from the renowned "DOVE" inclusivity campaigns to embrace and celebrate diversity in our visuals.
This photo and video shoot was dedicated to highlighting the features of our Gen II product, aiming for stunning close-up visuals. The need for a hand model, known to be among the most costly in the industry, was essential to achieving the desired level of detail and quality in our imagery.
Dr. Gonzalez rose to prominence as our standout figure in online advertising. Over the years, we conducted three separate shoots with him to refresh our content and engage new audiences, showcasing Purewave's application for conditions previously unknown to us.
This interview provided an excellent opportunity to delve into the topics and pain points most relevant to our customers, offering deeper insights into what they are keen to understand.
Featuring Sofie Dossi, known from "America's Got Talent," we explored a creative concept dubbed "Flex Time" with Sofie. After contacting her mother, we organized an enjoyable shoot at her home. The content garnered significant attention, particularly from new audiences familiar with her AGT performances.
After encountering a post by UFC Fighter Devin Powell, I coordinated with my team to organize a call between us to explore collaborative opportunities. Devin was enthusiastic about receiving our support and quickly recognized my commitment to integrity and follow-through. This interaction not only transformed him into a dedicated advocate for our product but also fostered a genuine friendship between us.
The Lena Fumi interview and testimonial video shoot provided a valuable opportunity to engage individuals looking to enhance their mobility. This session allowed us to gather unique footage, perfect for creating intros that spark innate curiosity among our audience.
I coordinated the sponsorship of this event and gained access for our film crew to track multiple athletes throughout the course of this event. The goal was to position Purewave with the Spartan brand to stay relevant and to attract new audiences.
I managed the sponsorship for the Run Revel Marathon, which included setting up our booth and ensuring our film crew had access to follow various athletes during the event. Additionally, I orchestrated an in-depth feature on an inspiring individual who overcame extreme obesity with the aspiration of completing a marathon—a milestone we were fortunate to document as he crossed the finish line.
When Mom Feels Good it's all Good
This shoot showcased how Purewave and massage can seamlessly integrate into daily family life, offering relaxation. We specifically targeted working moms, our largest customer segment, who balance demanding lives and seek healthy relaxation methods without sacrificing family time.
I aimed to generate buzz for our new midnight black colorway, recognizing the need for a fresh product in the fourth quarter. I proposed the midnight version, implementing minimal modifications to expedite market launch. We produced the promotional video in-house to spotlight this release.
Parker Seminar
At the Parker Chiropractic Seminar, we seized the chance to generate B2B leads for our growing healing network. Additionally, this event allowed us to capture genuine reactions for use in social media content and direct marketing emails, enriching our outreach with authentic testimonials.
Faced with commodity challenges in the percussion market and a trademark issue requiring resolution, our CEO strategized to launch a new, low-cost brand of massagers. This move aimed to complement Purewave without direct competition, additionally serving as a strategic measure to dominate the market's lower end and deter potential competitors.
The CEO was particularly enthusiastic about launching the Ozen vacuum blender, recognizing its potential as an innovative product. However, its introduction proved to be a significant investment, both financially and in terms of our team's focus, as it diverted capital and human resources. Venturing into unfamiliar territory, we faced the challenge of introducing technology not yet validated in the consumer market. This required considerable effort to strategically position the blender against well-established competitors, necessitating a deep dive into market dynamics and consumer perceptions.
Our advertisements initially faced skepticism from massage therapists concerned about the veracity of our claims and the potential loss of clients to our product—a valid worry. To address this, we aimed to position Purewave as a complementary option bridging the gap between professional massage sessions. Recognizing the need for a credible advocate within the industry, I approached Laura Jenkins, LMT. After a single conversation, she expressed strong interest. Upon trying Purewave herself, she was convinced of its benefits and enthusiastically agreed to become our spokesperson.
Through the establishment of a nationwide network of Healing Advisors, I collaborated with a diverse group of professionals, including chiropractors, physical therapists, sports therapists, osteopaths, podiatrists, energy healers, and yoga therapists. My strategy was to identify unique personalities among these experts who could contribute fresh and educational content to our platform.
Interviews typically covered several key topics, with room for spontaneous discussions that often generated more content than we could utilize. This approach ensured our content remained both innovative and informative.
Note: The image above showcases one of our in-house stages. I led the construction of this 24-foot-wide cyclorama, featuring curves precision-lathed and designed for disassembly, allowing for future relocation. This project was completed in our Valencia, CA, warehouse, enhancing our content production capabilities.